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Emergency Communication Protocols

How we will communicate in case of an emergency:

In case of a natural or manmade disaster while your child is at school, the School and District will communicate with you in a variety of ways through our Student Information System. We will use our emergency responder to send a text, voice message, and email message to the phone numbers and email which we have on file. We will also post updates to our school and district websites as often as we are able and work with our local radio and TV stations.


Natural disasters such as a tsunami or earthquake or fire:

We have evacuation plans in place in the event we need to evacuate a school site. We work with our other schools, other districts in our county, our city and county officials as well as law enforcement to ensure a safe relocation of students and staff. We will communicate with parents where to pick up their children.


Our procedures for releasing students

For students over the age of 14, we will check their Emergency Card. If the parent has checked the box saying we can release them in case of an emergency, we will release them to go home. If the parent has not checked the box saying we can release their child, we will keep the students on campus or at the evacuation site until someone listed on their Emergency Card arrives. We will check a photo ID in order to match the student with a person on their Emergency Card.

For students under the age of 14 we will keep the students on campus or at the evacuation site until someone listed on their Emergency Card arrives. We will check a photo ID in order to match the student with a person on their Emergency Card.


LOCKDOWN Procedures

We drill and are prepared to lockdown our school for the following reasons:



Shelter in place is used when we have an atmospheric event such as severe weather or a chemical spill in the vicinity of the school. We seal doors and windows and turn off the HVAC system. We continue teaching as usual and no one is able to enter or leave the building.



We lockdown our school when requested to do so by local law enforcement. Usually this is due to law enforcement activity in the neighborhood of our school. We want to keep everyone safe and out of the way. Teaching continues as usual. No one may leave or enter the building.



A Code Red Lockdown means we have a life threatening emergency on our campus. We lockdown immediately. We turn off lights. We build interior barricades in our classrooms. We remain silent. We wait for further instructions from law enforcement. If a staff or student is left outside during a Code Red they are directed to flee the campus if they are able or hide themselves as best they can. We will not open our doors for anyone except law enforcement.

During a lockdown we ask parents to remain at home and await further instructions that we will send through our emergency responder and our websites. We will communicate with you when and where students will be released. We will not be able to release students during a lockdown and parents will not be able to enter the campus. We need our roads clear for our first responders.


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(831) 429-3860

425 King St,

Santa Cruz, CA 95060

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